Calentar Eldalon Pathfinder Rangers: Taur Amandil
forest steems to stir with a wind unfelt, an unnatural hush. Alien
bird calls twitter through the rustling leaves.
Did you say Birds? But, there AREN'T any birds on this hunk of rock!
that tree trunk just move?
Tau's reaction to their first encounter with the Pathfinders

the Miniature:
a way to make the Pathfinders blend into a forest, and still be
pretty to look at, and clearly colored to match my army was my goal here. I
think I did a really good job, actually. I even managed the
best detail work I've done, so far, on their faces and eyes.
Getting the subtlety of shading on their cloaks was a 3 layer process
with lots of drybrushing, which I seem to have finally mastered!
I even approached painting my Pathfinders, I worked on techniques, exercises
that Jennifer gave me to do every day. I'm happy to say the
patient devotion to these paid off.
exclusive model below was something I simply had to have, and he
deserved his own little cameo shot. It's only available through
the on-line store, specially ordered. He was worth it!
the Army Card:
range at last!
advantages of the Pathfinders isn't just in their ability to be
incredibly accurate snipers, though. Deployment in the field is
fantastic, and they get a first move, as part of the Scouts special rule.
They were in Tau territory before the skirmish even began!
Pathfinders have taught me the value of having a squad that can
truly close FAST.
until now some of my army choices have been instictual and for
aesthetic reason, I'm attracted to the look of one type of squad over another.
their very first (and so far, only) battle, these guys have
convinced me that it's time to get some Warp Spiders, and a Wave Serpent...ways
to get my teams closer to the Tau, NOW.
Amandil's Proudest Moment(s):
guys pretty much completely carried the last battle Jennifer and I fought,
all on their own. They're amazingly fast, and in Assault mode
the enemy never managed to lay a hand on them. |