Calentar Eldalon FarSeer Tirhae Suletur
Calentar Eldalon are tremendously grateful that Tirhae seems to
possess the patience that is so lacking in Illing. A cool and
cunning head is firmly planted on these ancient shoulders.
Caution is Tirhae's watchword, and he's the type to plan out which of
his incoming foe is the most deadly, and aim accordingly.
fatherly, Tirhae likes to keep an eye on his troops. Campfires
with long Elven sing~alongs are his favorite way to increase morale
and camaraderie. He even discovered a strange sweet delicacy on one
world, something called "roasted marshmallow"?
...He's always trying to convince his Warlock squad to try them, but
they remain dubious. The newest of his recruits are the
most apt to be given a chance to prove their worth with a firm but
guiding hand.
Spirit Stones are always the first to be sought and gathered from
any field, if he's slain, and each generation prays that his good
sense will be passed down to his next suit's wearer, allowing him to
truly live again. So far those prayers have been answered
......until Tau.

the Miniature:
learning about painting, my biggest mistake was with my Farseer and
Warlocks. I hadn't MEANT to use such a thick coating. (Heavy
Sigh) The helmets were globs, and the Rune Armor a muddy mess
by the time that Jennifer stepped in to rescue me. There are
some paint jobs I've done that I felt were grand, and then there are
the ones Jennifer did, which are ALWAYS grand....thank goodness I'm
learning. Now if only I could keep my confidence up. Like
my skills, it seems to waver at times.
rune designs on the cloak and the shimmering sheen of Tirhae's
Witchblade are probably my favorite parts of this figure...though I
gotta say, I love those shoulder paldrons, in two layers - they're
very cool, too.
thing you may notice is that the ground covers for all of my Eldar
have small chunks of myrrh (the golden looking rock, to the
left). I was very proud to find a ground cover by using
spices. Black pepper and poppyseeds make absolutely GREAT
pebbles, sandalwood and allspice look like pieces of log or tree
bark. I poured a bunch of herbs into my mortar and pestle, and
lo, groundcover was born.
the Army Card:
Farseers are the powermongers of my army. Unfortunately,
Jennifer knows this all too well, and has a tendency to wipe them out
as quickly as she possibly can - sometimes when she gets the first
move these poor guys don't even get a chance to cast a single spell
before they're wiped out.
tried very hard to balance the number of points this character was
worth with the number of spells, weapons and abilities he
possessed. Since I only get two HQ Options with a standard
force, I'm often forced to choose between my Bonesinger or my Farseer
- especially if I want to include my Warlocks (another HQ choice)
the Farseer into range without being made into Kroot chow is my
biggest challenge, . If I hide behind terrain, many of my
spells can't function, they require line of sight...which often means
that Tirhae might as well be wearing a big iridescent "Shoot
Me" sign .
Suletur's Proudest Moment(s):
Much Gristle led his Kroot squad in a charge over a hill, towards
the vastly outnumbered Eldar forces....humming delightedly about Elfbits
for dinner, under his breath - The heavens
opened above his head and wreaked their wrath down upon him.
Only he, and his apprentice Shaper were left running in retreat from
the devastation unleashed by Suletur's Eldritch Storm. |