Calentar Eldalon Falcon Troop Transport Suru D' P'luvt
faster than it's tanklike bulk implies, this worthy vessel if never
one to hold back it's fire.
if only its guns would quit jamming! The most common sound
heard from within the Falcon is the cursing of its two operator
pilots as they try once more to reconfigure their weapon
control panels.
these two get so upset and frustrated that they're grounded, and
forced to abandon ship before they even launch into the field.
Farseer Suletar has given them each a shiny new tool kit and a Repair
Manual....let's hope it helps.

the Miniature:
accidents happen. When Jennifer and I bought the base coat for
our forces, an error in the quality of product was our discovery. There
seemed to be a powdery texture left behind once the paint had dried.
In the Falcon's case, this proved more blessing than bane.
very word Falcon brings the Millennium of the same name to mind for
me, and inspired by that, I painted on. The unique coloring
scheme I chose here has earned this beloved piece the nickname of The
Patchwork Falcon. Like
a quilt in flight, it zooms over the terrain. I really had fun
experimenting with the different and subtle tones I used to evoke
this image. |
the Army Card:
would think that something worth 200 points would be less apt to
misfirings than my poor Falcon - so far the dice haven't been in my favor
when I've tried to fire it. It hs proven tremendously useful
in the conveyance of troops, though, and made me long for it's larger
companion, the Wave Serpent. Since the Patchwork can only hold
up to 6 figures at a time, it's not much good for taking a Guardian
squad along....and there's no way the Wraithguard can fit inside.
This leaves the Warlocks, Farseers, and Pathfinders as the only
viable passengers in my troops, right now.
a means of distraction, the Falcon is big, colorful, and good at
drawing fire...I may start using it more like the way that Jennifer
uses her Devilfish...as a shield for her troops more than as a ship.
We'll see.
D' P'luvt's
Proudest Moment(s):
out Commander FarDawn with its Pulse Laser in one blast, back in one
of our very first battles. |