The Jennese Tarot
  By Jennifer Diane Reitz

Demetrius of Naphtali
could charm the skirts
and the pants
off of any woman.

Or man.

He was quite the rogue.

'Use em and lose em'
was his motto.

And he was good at what he did.

So he did a lot of it.

He raced through so many
lives and loves
that he raced right past
and wondered where he had gotten to.

It was all because of his
enchanted mandolin,
you see.

It made women and men
smitten with him
for a short time at least,
against their will.

So he had way more than his
share of the fruits of the flesh.

Then one day,
after being whipped to death
by the command of someone even 
more ruthless than he,

he realized that maybe
that deceptive mandolin
wasn't really
the problem.


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